It started

with Katie Paterson’s Future Library, a public artwork based in a forest and a library of unpublished stories in Oslo, Norway. We were inspired by the invitation that Paterson and Future Library offer: not to passively view the artwork, but to actively engage with its work of building collective commitment to hopeful futures. We created…

The Library of Intentions,

a collective, hopeful exercise of imagining possible futures which began as a participatory art piece presented at the 2024 Edinburgh International Book Festival with the support of Edinburgh Futures Institute. It has grown into our attempt to nurture small individual acts of narrative that, through their collectivity and interrelationships, grow into a library of intentions for hopeful, sustainable futures. 

At the Book Festival, we invited participants to answer a simple question: What is your intention for the future? Their responses have become the seeds for our…

Next steps into future(s)

With the launch of this new website, we’re inviting anyone around the world to join us in a collective practice of writing stories for and about our futures. You don’t have to be a writer or artist to participate; we’re looking for anyone and everyone to be inspired by each other’s intentions for our shared futures. And for those in Edinburgh, Scotland, you’ll soon be able to engage both online and in the physical world, with geocaches that will link you to collaborative stories created by people in your location. Just head to the geocache app in January 2025 to locate it. 

We're glad you're here.